Being professional & one of the leading overseas Recruitment Consultancy proving end to end recruitment solutions worldwide,
SSMP has been committed to providing both clients and candidates with an highest level of services.
Due to our blend of professionalism, innovative methodologies, market intelligence and years of experience compliment a
level of personal service that makes every interaction with us, an enriching.
Our trained and qualified consultants are always ready to provide unique and customized solutions for all your valuable clients, and we are 24 X 7 to solve their queries.
We are a one stop shop for all your man power needs. We offer conference hall, interview rooms and equipment for on the spot testing for our clients in our Chennai office.
To understand the needs of our clients first, we study our clients organization, their products & services, competitive
advantage, corporate culture, competitors, strength, niche expertise etc.
We then offer holistic manpower recruitment and placement solutions by providing our clients with candidates, refined and short listed through an extensive process of training & testing